Wk6 – Activity – Yarn Bombing

20150302_084019For this weeks’ assignment, we had to do Yarn Bombing. I love making things from yarn, and i believe that wasting yarn for an activity is unnecessary. So when Professor Zucman said we can also do fabric bombing, I had the perfect idea of what I was going to do.

Thrift stores are amazing places, and from one thrift store, I found a CSULB shirt that was $1! I didn’t mind spending a dollar for a shirt I was going to cut up and discard soon. I had the Idea of making it in a heart, but there was no fences around the FA buildings. So Instead I put it on the bike stands. This activity was pretty much the same as the Graffiti activity; people would just stare and not say anything. I felt kind of awkward just putting a piece of cloth on the bike stand but oh well I guess. This can be another activity that pushes me out of my comfort zone and my normal daily routines. I had fun doing this activity. Plus, I had the chance to explore the campus even more by going to the second floor of the FA2 building. I didn’t see much, or I didn’t think i was in the right place, but I got the chance to capture a picture of this marvelous piece of art below.

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